Every neighborhood should have its day

This is my neighborhood and this is its day – Adams Morgan Day.
Held since 1978 and organized by the Adams Morgan Main Street Group, this annual event attracts over 20,000 people to one of the only closed-street festivals in Washington DC.
In an effort to improve its business purpose of promoting the neighborhood main street, fewer outside vendors were allowed and 85% of all the local restaurants and stores were open (which isn’t normal for many owners on a Sunday afternoon).
The highlights of the festival were a dunking booth and entertainment on three stages – one for the main acts, another for local performers, and the third for cultural performances/dances. Another crowd-pleaser was an open mike session in front of one of the restaurants.
By the way, this photo was taken from the office conference room at my shared entrepreneurial workplace, Affinity Lab.
I’m off to document Cambridge, MA and nearby areas, and back on Thursday.
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