Why does Athens have such a strong sense of community?
The business manager of Athens Weekly News, a popular local political paper, answered this question last week while in a focus group of the community’s creative leaders – “Because nobody’s trying to get rich at this table.” The group also agreed that many of them participate in no less than 5-7 nonprofits each, and get to know one another through those organizations’ meetings and events.
Indeed, there is no shortage of things to do in Athens, and this has nothing to do with drinking and movie-watching. It has more to do with people getting together, to do things together, with a common purpose, such as Ath Fest to educate citizens and visitors about music and arts in general, the Tour De Sprawl, a bike ride to showcase environmental innovation, and weekly and monthly meetings to discuss the gamut of political, social and ecological progress.
Of course, Athens isn’t your typical town…
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