Learning the economic value of authenticity from Argentina

Argentina’s economic woes aren’t too different from struggling small towns and city neigborhoods throughout the U.S. However, entrepreneurs are realizing that there’s a path to prosperity that begins in their own backyard, and it focuses on the empty feeling travelers may get of experiencing the tourist sites without enjoying an authentic taste of the day-day culture.
Here’s an except from a Fast Company magazine article that documents the tremendous value in marketing Argentina’s authenticity.
“…a young man I met named Osvaldo concluded that standard mass tourism will destroy the countryside he loves and will fail to provide the authentic experiences that so many visitors seek. He’s identifying a range of once-isolated professionals and small businesses that share his values and vision. All of them are collaborating to build a unique experience around each client’s interests and requirements. “If we can preserve our ancient values of trust while meeting modern needs, we can create new ways to participate in the world economy and make money, but without losing our souls. Indeed, we hope to help our customers reconnect with their own souls.”“
Local neighborhoods and economies should take notes.
I live in both Sarasota (SW Florida – High End Art & Culture) and White Springs Florida- (very small town Eco-Tourism center). I find authenticity in both places and find it easy to go back and forth.