Robert Redford’s ultra green building

In keeping up with yesterday’s new urbanism green building theme, the greenest example of that is in Santa Monica. In fact, the building is so green, that it’s LEED “platinum”-rated; the highest green building standard out there, and bestowed to just a handful of buildings, ever.
Designed by the acclaimed new urbanist firm, Moule & Polyzoides (who we recognized earlier for Del Mar Station), the Robert Redford Building (yes, that Robert Redford) is nestled in a walkable, urban, mixed-use neighborhood next to transit.
The building, home to the Natural Resources Defense Council, is a national model for green building features:
Passive water and energy conservation
– uses 60-75% less energy than buildings its size
– large operable windows, skylights and lightwells bring daylight deep into the building
– sea breezes augment the air conditioning
– special towers vent off heat in the summer
Advanced technologies for energy production and water recycling
– uses 60% less water than most buildings, as low-flow toilets flush themselves with rainwater and wastewater from showers and sinks
– its widely-accepted waterless urinals use no water at all, each one saving 40,000 gallons a year.
– solar cells provide a fifth of the energy used
Renewable and recyclable materials
– the building itself is renovated (‘recycled’)
– 98% of the building’s materials are recyclable
– the floors are made of bamboo because it is a fast-growing wood substitute
– the carpets are made from hemp (firefighters beware)
– all lumber products are certified by the Forest Stewardship Council
– building’s exterior appears to be wood but is made of a fiber and cement material
High indoor air quality
– building materials are completely free of formaldehyde and vinyl
– carpeting, paints and other materials have no or low volatile organic compounds
– it’s ventilation system even adjusts for CO2, which is known to cause drowsiness
Image: Tim Street Porter
Would you work in a building like this? Please comment below…
If you’re interested in urban, LEED buildings you should check out A rehabbed, residential Silver LEED rated building (one of a few in the nation) that also happens to be a 7 minute walk from a metro stop.
David Fogel
I am considering building a new home and would like more information on how to build using ‘green’ priniciples or contract companies who build ‘green’ homes. Any guidance would be appreciated. Thanks
The definitive resource for green building principles and contacts is the U.S. Green Building Council.
I would be delighted to work in this green building.
It is a step in the right direction, but will the step make a lasting impression that will stand the test of time?
Robert Redford
The thing is, is, there are people in our nation that do not want the wind turbines in the view of thier homes! YEAH!! “NIMBY” NOT IN MY BACK YARD. However they would rather enjoy the posible consequence of ah ah destroying our planet or even just our future.!!
Green buildings are great and I would love to work, shop, visit, live or anything else a human being does in a building!
I would like to know how to turn a house in Missouris into a greenhouse? My house was built in 1927 and I enjoy the structure but, would like to make it environmental friendly.
For those looking to build new or remodel their current house, there are a few companies like ours (GreenDepot) that specialize in carrying the best materials for the environment and energy efficiency. Also, if you are interested in techniques, the foremost authority on green remodeling, David Johnston wrote a book entitled just that. “Green Remodeling”. Save Money while saving the earth and living healthier!