The coolest of the CNU Charter Award winners

Well, outside of the fact that it’s hardly affordable, the renovated/new Historic Front Street in Seaport North (near the Brooklyn Bridge) in Manhattan is the best creative class development among the seventeen CNU Charter Awards profiled yesterday.
Eleven 18th century buildings plus three brand new buildings host 96 residential apartments for rent from 600 s.f. to 1400 s.f., plus thirteen retail spaces on the ground floor. The project encompasses the entire block on either side of Front Street between two streets, Beekman and Peck Slip. This is Manhattan so it’s by default not affordable by any means ($3000/mo. for a one-bedroom), but it could be in many other cities.
One of its most noteworthy claims is that it’s not only economically successful, historic and new urbanist, but it’s also a green building (geothermal wells for heating and cooling, photovoltaics, green roofs) – that’s the magic triple-bottom line folks!
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