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Ten principles for infill in natural cultural districts: What’s the key to revitalizing a downtown and/or neighborhood via urban development?
Main street retail’s future: Editors, hospitality, community: Since local independent retailers don’t have the financial capacity of their national/international
Top reasons why no car-free hoods in the U.S. 2010… yet: It’s a simple idea and the demand is certainly there, but why
Developers favoring walkable over car-oriented 3 to 1: We know the demand for walkable communities is there, but what about
Walking health benefits – illustrated: In case any public or private institution asks just what’s so great
Small Cool Apartment 2010′ winners: Moving into smaller homes hasn’t only become a financial necessity, it’s fast
Businesses come to love Copenhagen’s people-only streets: Businesses drive much of the economy in the U.S., and as a
Economic development gets sustainable: Economic development was defined in the industrial age as the increase in
Crowdsourcing a healthy town in the UK: How you set a healthy standard for an entire town? How about
Crowdsource Placemaking Lab opens: This is a site for defining, talking about and providing examples of
Pop-up bicycle coffee stand: Now that you’ve now been introduced to Bicycle City, when it comes
City leaders, looking for revenue? Go urban!: Or at least go two to three stories. What more precisely is