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Public market and plaza coming to San Jose: When people are asked what’s missing in their downtown, you’ll often hear
Streetcars coming to 22 cities in next 2 years?: One indication that people are becoming increasingly more interested in getting around
GOOD’s neighborhood guide for 2010: GOOD Magazine went all out in their 2010 Neighborhoods Issue with well
Purpose-driven collaborative crowdsourcing: Crowdsourcing often gets negatively associated with competitive websites that utilize a crowd
Crowdsourced street to become permanent?: If you’re looking for a model example of crowdsourced placemaking, check out
Sustainable urban village block rises in Ohio: Regular readers may be familiar with the East College Street Project, a
Creative cluster urban village in Wales: Looks like the creative industries will have a vibrant home in Swansea
Crowdsourcing sustainability for Maine hood: As part of the American Institute of Architect’s (AIA) Sustainable Design Assessment
Crowdsourcing placemaking in Portland, Maine: When communities that want change in their built environment have the leadership,
How Lafayette, Louisiana is attracting creatives: With a population over 100,000 and a greater population of half a
In progress: Creative coworking space: Today’s ‘Crowdsourced placemaking in progress’: Creative coworking space is brought to you
The creative industries, GDP and happiness: What does well-being have to do with the economy have to do