Author Archive

Car-free for many in new German neighborhood: Over two years ago we covered how a community of progressive people
Placemaking video contest winner: The Congress for the New Urbanism (CNU) held a video contest to
Applying the right brain’s ‘Six Senses’ to crowdsourced placemaking: If we can hold onto a little bit of hope that there’s
Why right-brainers will rule this century: While they weren’t brand new cars, Oprah did leave 4500 copies of
Crowdsourcing a coworking story in Virginia…: So here’s a scene… five fellow entrepreneurs having a spontaneous coworking session
NYC’s significant Plaza Program selects winners: Introduced almost a year ago, the NY Plaza Program (a CoolTown Top
The most walkable neighborhoods in the U.S.: What are the most walkable neighborhoods in the U.S., objectively speaking? Walk
Innovating cities for 2009: While Fast Company magazine crowned Seattle in their annual Fast Cities 2009
Seattle tops 2009’s ‘Fast Cities: Each year Fast Company magazine lists their favorite cities as far as
Cleveland’s Warehouse District: Cleveland, Ohio’s Historic Warehouse District is a model example of shifting from
A different kind of organic bar: One of the best technical descriptions for the kind of district or
Top’ cities in the world by quality of life, infrastructure: In order to to help governments and major companies place employees on
Michigan town’s artists use entire city as canvas: Creatives know art has the power to transform, but not when it’s
Finally, a way to track ‘green’ by neighborhood: When it comes to crowdsourced placemaking, it’s very difficult to do if
NYC’s grand bike sharing business plan: As a follow up to the previous entry, Bike sharing the next
Bike sharing, the next mass transit system: We’ve had streetcars, then buses, then light rail and subways… now bike
Study says city dwellers get more exercise: People who live in cities are healthier, say researchers from San Diego
Minneapolis a model for recycled warehouses: Just as our evolution to the knowledge economy is providing opportunities to
Crowdsource ’64 to 2250′ walkable density?: It’s been well documented recently that suburbia is on the decline, and
Model green development breaks ground in Ohio: Back in 2005 we featured Ben, Naomi and Josh, founders of the
The most ‘easy and convenient’ green U.S. cities: What cities are the easiest and most convenient to be green in?
Participatory art studio + coffeehouse + lounge: Say you’re in a quiet social mood, looking for a good cup
London ups the pedestrian-only movement with ‘Great Spaces’: While New York City’s NYC Plaza Program will be funding the transformation
Best beer in America’ by state: The happy hour is one of the key regular experiences of a
The geography of buzz: Can you visualize buzz? Elizabeth Currid, author of The Warhol Economy: How
GOOD’s ‘complete street’ interactive graphic: What happens when the folks at Good Magazine, where the triple bottom
Crowdsourcing 101: Crowdsourcing is a powerful tool, and is fast becoming a standard way
Create your own drinks at Amsterdam bar: There’s the fun of cooking up your own hot-off-the-grill meals at a
Can coworking spaces be profitable?: There’s no question coworking spaces are the place to work for independent
Restaurants go informal to compete: There was already twice as much retail/restaurant in existence than the average