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Curitiba, Brazil’s famous pre-subway alternative: If your city doesn’t quite have the critical mass for a subway
Australia town uses Facebook to revitalize: What better way to follow How Facebook can help build better places
How Facebook can help build better places: Yes, it’s no coincidence that the founders of Facebook are of the
Yogurt shops a leader in retail innovation: There’s something about yogurt owners and progressive entrepreneurs, or maybe there’s just
Next gen ‘leave it anywhere’ car sharing: Many of us are familiar with car sharing, popularized by Zipcar, where
SF and NY playing a pedestrian-only duet: New York City may be playing the lead tune when it comes
Same number of passengers…: This is one of those ‘a picture is worth a thousand words’
Amsterdam goes even greener: Amsterdam, The Netherlands already has a global reputation for being a biking
Financed crowdsourcing of green homes in DC: Crowdsourcing is often used as a tool to prove there’s a market
A Carnival of Ideas’ office space: Today’s entry is brought to you by social engagement designer Brian Corrigan
Restaurant trends for 2009, creatively speaking: How is creativity helping restaurants thrive in this economy? According to Technomic,
Americans are moving on up to smaller, smarter homes: As many now know, housing sizes have peaked, and articles like USA
The housing crisis – illustrated: For a simple look at one reason why U.S. residents are having
Time gets on the ‘people over cars’ bandwagon: Time Magazine has taken the ‘people over cars‘ cultural mindset shift into
How the Crash Will Reshape America: According to economist Richard Florida in his recent article, the solution posited
People over cars’ hits Fast Company: Regarding this cultural and economic transition of communities prioritizing a pedestrian infrastructure
Solar cities… inevitable?: Going green is of central importance to ‘creatives’, thus this first entry
Creative Arlington launches: Arlington County, Virginia has long been considered a creative class mecca, with
Hotel’s unique rooms located throughout a city: One way to more deeply experience a city is to spend time
Crowdsourcing a destination in New Orleans: The Broadmoor neighborhood in central New Orleans was hit hard by Hurricane
Social media brings community to restaurants: First of all, social media is defined as “internet- and mobile-based tools
Parking garage for 92 bicycles or 4 cars?: Automated bicycle parking garages are about to hit the tipping point. Tokyo
Michelle Kaufmann’s green dev resource: If you’re looking for a reliable green resource regarding placemaking and design,
Wine bar meets wine store: Only those that adapt to change will survive, and restaurants are no
Times Square goes car free – permanently?: I think we have definitely hit the pedestrian walk tipping point. First
San Francisco’s busiest street considers going car-free: Fitting with the previous entry, ‘People over cars’ begins to hit mainstream
People over cars’ begins to hit mainstream media: “It’s Time for Cities to Favor People, Not Cars” isn’t a headline
GOOD’s worldwide subway comparison: What better way to understand how the world’s transit systems compare than
Massive retail ‘market correction’ underway: One can look at the economic downturn as a depression, or one
Hint of crowdsourcing attainably-priced homes: There seems to be some fairly strong evidence that the price of